Statement ni aku ambil dari blog pengikut ayah pin yang setia....
Sky Kingdom Blog
Ayah Pin, the most Honourable Man.He brings peace and love to us in the world. Teach us about human rights and respects to religions of the world. Before he left in missing, he said to us; "LIVE IN PEACE, NO FIGHT, LET THEM DEMOLISH OR TEAR DOWN OUR PLACE, THEY WILL SEE THEIR OWN CRUELTY WHEN TIME COMES". I have missed him.I know DISASTERS are so close to hit Malaysia for their sins. "JEREBU" is just a STARTER, don't panic..., as more attacks will come..when you never realise..it happens!!
Penulis blog ini nampaknya begitu mahir dalam selok belok islam, dia mengupas setiap isu dan ajaran ayah pin dgn begitu mendalam sekali? mungkin dia pencipta dasar kerajaan langit kot?mungkin....
Dia mendapat didikan agama yg sempurna sejak kecil lg...:
"Aku juga tidak pernah tinggal puasa walau sehari sejak dari umur 4 tahun lagi dan mengikuti urusan dakwah Islamiah sejak di bangku sekolah lagi. Aku seorang yang sangat mengetahui kelemahan ajaran Islam yang di ajar oleh tok imam di masjid dan guru-guru agama hinggakan aku digelar “tok guru” dikalangan teman-temanku kerana memiliki keistimewaan menterjemah dan mengupas Al-Quran".
Dan lepas tu kononnya dia dah cukup ilmu, dia buat kenyataan ini...:
"Sejarah kitab sudah lama berlalu dan ianya tidak ditulis dan dirakam ketika itu, tetapi ia wujud 100 tahun kemudian atau berabad kemudian dan sejarah itu pun dibukukan. Begitu juga sejarah Ayah Pin, ia mungkin tidak dirakamkan oleh mana-mana pengikutnya, tetapi aku cuba engkar, tidak akan mengulangi sejarah lama supaya cerita yang sebenar bisa terus sampai ke telinga pendengar di waktu ini , ketika beliau masih bernafas di muka bumi".
Dan apa yg pasti, kebanyakkan bijak pandai yg murtad akan melafazkan ayat yang sedemikian:
"Aku punya pemikiran yang luas dan terperinci dalam soal hati dan kepercayaan. Aku tidak mengikut apa yang diikuti manusia lain tanpa mengetahui tujuan dan maksud agama itu sendiri. Aku sudah besar untuk mencari bukti kenapa aku perlu menjadi Islam dan tidak agama lain. Aku juga sudah besar untuk mendapat kebebasan mencari ilmu walau ke negeri China. Aku mencari dan mencari di segenap pelusuk bumi dengan adanya alat internet yang canggih, aku bisa mendalami pelbagai ilmu yang ada diatas bumi ini".
Inilah yg akan berlaku bila manusia terkeluar dari landas utama dan tidak menggunakan lagi rujukan utama (kitab suci/hadis).Dengan erti kata yg lainnya.. "bila logika mengalahkan kebenaran" dan dia menulis blog itu bila EMOSI MENGALAHKAN LOGIKA ...
AKU SUNGGUH TAK PAHAM TENTANG MANUSIA INI. Tuhan dah pesan jangan cuba belajar mengenai zatNya, belajar dulu mengenali diri sendiri....
Malaysia Muslims have NO way OUT
Malaysia's Muslims have 'no way out'
By Ioannis Gatsiounis
JOHOR BAHRU, Malaysia — In multiethnic Malaysia, where Islam is the official religion but freedom of religion is guaranteed under the constitution, the majority Malays are born Muslim and apostasy is all but impossible for them. Cases of aspiring apostates are handled by Shariah courts, rather than civil courts. According to the Koran, apostasy is grounds for death, and no Muslim should assist another out of the religion. So the appeals usually sit, and sit. Many would-be apostates don't live to see their conversion officially recognized. Some have been jailed. As one religious scholar put it, "In Malaysia, there's a way into Islam, but no way out."
The Rev. Kumar — not his real name — recalls the religious police rattling his front gate in the middle of the night. The warning was clear. "But I am not afraid," Mr. Kumar said. "My work is God's will and I have a worthy cause to fight for. [Malays] have a right to find Jesus." His evangelical church has 12 branches throughout Malaysia and 30 affiliates, and Mr. Kumar estimates that 100 Muslims are converting to Christianity every month in the country.
He said there has been a marked increase in interest in the past three years, since the September 11 attacks in the United States. A royal family and the daughter of a former prime minister are among his list of converts. Christian groups estimate that there are 30,000 Malay converts in the country. Some Muslim groups say the figure is much lower. However, nondenominational observers say most converts live in secrecy for fear of harassment from the government, family and fellow Malays. One Malay convert and former ustaza, a Muslim religious teacher, reports that she and her family are harassed regularly by the authorities. Because she is Malay, her son was born a Muslim and forced to adopt a Muslim name.
Some Muslim and non-Muslim leaders say the government could be doing more to improve dialogue and understanding among the faiths. It has, for instance, denied permits for several interfaith dialogues. And when Mel Gibson's film "The Passion of the Christ" arrives here soon, only Christians will be able to view it. Non-Christians will be weeded out in the ticket line on the basis of their national ID cards, which states one's religion. Nora Murah, a legal officer with Sisters in Islam, says the decision contradicts the prophet Muhammad's teachings. "The prophet embraced diversity and inclusiveness," she said.
p/s: Aku menggunakan perkatan DIA bukan BELIAU adalah kerana aku tidak menyokong atau menhormati kenyataan mamat tu. Sebab masa The edge interview ayah pin, ayah pin bagi jawapan yg memang putar belit Wartawan:"Lelaki ngan perempuan sama"? Ayah Pin:"Sama sahaja". (asal ayah pin boleh mesem jadilah). Wartawan:"Sama-sama ada kelebihan"? Ayah Pin:"Lelaki lagi lebih". Bingai betul ayah pin, patut la ramai yg sesat..kena ceramah kat raja putar belit....
Gambar tu aku ambik kat http://ayah-pin.blogspot.com
2 ulasan:
sexy siot ayah pin..ahhahaha
ayah pin mmg seksi..kalau tak, tak dpt dia merasa bini org lain ngan daging muda
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