Fatwa oleh Kerajaan Terengganu
Kategori : Akidah
Tajuk :
Ajaran Ayah Pin adalah sesat , menyeleweng dan membawa kepada rosaknya akidah
Isu :
Ajaran Ayah Pin adalah sesat,menyeleweng dan membawa kepada rosaknya akidah.
Kerana itu hendaklah orang ramai menghindarkan diri dari terbabit dengannya.
Fatwa :
Oleh yang demikian,pada menjalankan kuasa-kuasa yang diberi
di bawah Seksyen 25 Enakmen Pentadbiran Hal Ehwal Agama Islam 1986,
Jawatankuasa Fatwa Majlis Agama Islam dan Adat Melayu
Terengganu dengan ini membuat dan mengeluarkan Fatwa berikut:
1. Bahawasanya ajaran dan pegangan Ayah Pin adalah
palsu,sesat,menyeleweng dan boleh membawa ancaman kepada
ketenteraman orang awam serta merosakkan akidah.
2. Oleh yang demikian orang ramai di negeri ini hendaklah
menghindar diri daripada terlibat dengan pegangan dan ajaran
Ayah Pin tersebut.
Rujukan Pewartaan : 1461
Tarikh Pewartaan :
4 Disember 1997
Sesat yang nyata
Antaranya :
1. Beliau mengaku tidak belajar agama,
2. Beliau berpegang kepada ajaran yang salah serta bertentangan dengan Syara',
3. Beliau pernah menyatakan bahawa " Tidak ada orang lain selain saya dan Nabi Muhammad saw yang berguru dengan Jibril". Dakwaan ini salah dan palsu serta bertentangan dengan ajaran Islam dan menghina Syara'.
4. Beliau mengaku mengajar. Ajaran serta pengangannya adalah sesat dan bertentangan dengan hukum Syara'.
5. Mesti jumpa Allah dan Rasul dahulu baru boleh percaya.
6. Nabi Muhammad mencantumkan kitab Zabur,Taurat dan Injil dan menjadikan Al-Quran.
7. Bongkar Quran dahulu baru boleh percaya kepada Malaikat dan sifat dua puluh.
8. Setiap kali Sembahyang hendaklah beriktikad bahawa Ayah Pin berada di hadapan.
9. Quran perlu dibakar dan abunya dilumur pada tubuh Ayah Pin.
10.Mendakwa beliau telah melalui semua agama-agama barulah jadi Islam dan menerima syahadah secara langsung dengan Tuhan.
11.Beliau mendakwa, di atas muka bumi ini tiada orang lain yang memimpin manusia melainkan Ayah Pin seorang.
12.Nyawa manusia yang ada di atas muka bumi adalah duduk ditangannya kerana dia memegang segal kunci-kunci akhirat.
13.Kalau bersyair memuji-muji di atas nama Ayah Pin adalah lebih afdhal daripada berzikir dan bersembahyang.
14.Semasa mengucap dua kalimah syahadah hendaklah beriktikad dalam hati kepada Ayah Pin.
15.Jika ada ahli yang akan mati, Ayah Pin akan pergi dahului untuk menentukan bagi simati syurga atau neraka.
16.Setiap kali berhimpun di Gua Bayu, Gua Musang, Kelantan. Sebiji Quran akan dibakar dan abunya akan dilumur pada tubuh Ayah Pin.
15.Percaya sesuatu mesti lihat dahulu, belum lihat tidak boleh percaya. Seperti dalam rukun iman, Ayah Pin mengaku :-
i. Percaya kepada Allah ialah dengan kita kenal atau cam dia.
ii. Beriman kepada Rasul ialah dengan cara berjumpa dengan Rasul-Rasul.
iii. Kitab Al-Quran adalah cantuman daripada empat kitab.
iv. Malaikat dijadikan daripada Nur Muhammad dan malaikat seperti manusia.
v. Ayah Pin tidak percaya adanya langit dan bumi digulung atau dihancurkan pada hari kiamat sebab belum berjumpa lagi.
vi. Pegangan Ayah Pin ialah setelah dia buat semua, dapatlah Qada' dan Qadar masing-masing bahagian.
Isnin, Ogos 29, 2005
Ahad, Ogos 28, 2005
Sama Taraf?
Agenda Amina Wadud persenda hukum Islam
Oleh Ghafani Awang Teh
BEGINILAH gelagat Amina Wadud mengimamkan solat Jumaat yang turut mencampurkan lelaki dan perempuan pada 18 Mac lalu. - Gambar AFP
DALAM sejarah moden Islam, kita melihat muncul pelbagai nama yang menimbulkan kontroversi seperti Mirza Ghulan Ahmad mendakwa ia sebagai Rasul Allah terakhir. Serpihan pengikut Mirza telah mewujudkan ajaran Qadiyani yang memfatwakan sebagai agama baru.
Kemunculan Mirza di Pakistan mendapat sokongan kuat penjajah British ketika menjajah Pakistan dan India. Kemudian muncul pula Salman Rashdie yang mendakwa al-Quran sebagai ayat syaitan dan diberi perlindungan hebat oleh masyarakat Barat.
Di Bangladesh pernah muncul Taslima Nasreen yang menulis novel berasaskan mencaci al-Quran. Di negara kita sendiri pernah wujud sekelompok umat Islam tidak mengaku Sunnah Rasulullah dan menerbitkan pula kitab BACAAN.
Persoalan besar timbul ialah apakah kontroversi yang dikeluarkan oleh orang Islam jahil silih berganti itu menjadi agenda pihak-pihak tertentu atau komplot untuk menghakis peranan ulama dan fuqaha dalam menjaga kesucian dan kekuatan nilai ajaran Islam?
Pada 18 Mac lalu, umat Islam terkejut dengan laporan berita luar negara yang menyebutkan seorang wanita menjadi imam dan membaca khutbah sembahyang Jumaat yang diadakan di sebuah gereja di Manhattan New York Amerika Syarikat.
Wanita yang menjadi imam itu ialah Amina Wadud (gambar) seorang profesor dalam bidang pengajian Islam di Universiti Commonwealth Virginia Amerika Syarikat. Beliau seorang ibu tunggal dan mempunyai lima anak.
Tindakan kontroversi Amina Wadud mengenai amalan ajaran Islam bukanlah perkara pelik baginya. Beliau pernah menjadi pensyarah di Universiti Islam Antarabangsa Malaysia dari 1989-1992 tetapi perkhidmatannya tidak dilanjutkan kerana pandangannya selalu kontroversi.
Dalam satu Persidangan Perundingan Kepemimpinan Islam Peringkat Antarabangsa Berhubung HIV/Aids di Kuala Lumpur pada 20 Mei 2003, beliau mencaci al-Quran dan Sunnah kerana mendakwa ajarannya berkaitan pendidikan seks menyebabkan HIV/Aids merebak.
Isu utama dalam tindak tanduk terbaru Amina Wadud ialah menjadi imam sembahyang Jumaat, membaca khutbah dan setiap saf-saf sembahyang Jumaat itu bercampur aduk lelaki dan wanita.
Tindakan Amina Wadud menjadi wanita Islam pertama di dunia menjadi imam sembahyang Jumaat dan membaca khutbah menerima kecaman ulama di seluruh dunia, antaranya Syeikh Yusuf al-Qardhawi.
Menurut Syeikh Yusuf al-Qardhawi, fuqaha bersependapat wanita diharamkan menjadi imam sembahyang Jumaat dan membaca khutbah. Pendapat ini berdasarkan pengajaran dan bukan berdasarkan adat sesuatu kaum seperti mana yang didakwa, ketika memberi ulasan lanjut kepada agensi berita Islam Online tentang wanita diharamkan menjadi imam sembahyang kepada makmum lelaki ialah:
Tidak pernah terjadi dalam sejarah Islam seorang wanita menjadi imam solat Jumaat dan membaca khutbah;
Tidak ada seorang Fuqaha pun bersetuju membenarkan wanita menjadi imam solat Jumaat dan membaca khutbahnya;
Sembahyang dalam Islam membabitkan perbuatan pelbagai pergerakan zahir dan batin. Ia tidak mengandungi semata-mata upacara keagamaan serta tidak bercampur aduk antara lelaki dan wanita. Ibadah sembahyang dalam Islam memerlukan tumpuan penuh minda, perasaan dan penyerahan hati khusyuk kepada Allah swt.
Islam menggariskan beberapa peraturan untuk menentukan umatnya beribadah kepada Allah swt secara tertib dan beradab bagi mencapai kekhusyukan dalam menunaikan ibadah kepada Allah.
Selari dengan kehebatan ibadah sembahyang, maka Islam menetapkan beberapa garis panduan dalam melaksanakannya.
Dalam peraturan menunaikan sembahyang berjemaah lelaki dan perempuan Rasulullah bersabda: "Sebaik-baik saf bagi lelaki ialah saf yang pertama dan seburuk-buruknya saf yang terakhir manakala sebaik-baik saf bagi wanita ialah saf yang paling belakang dan seburuk-buruknya adalah saf yang pertama." - (Riwayat: Muslim).
Hadis ini adalah hadis sahih. Ini adalah peraturan dan disiplin sembahyang berjemaah dalam beribadah kepada Allah.
Islam membenarkan wanita menjadi imam kepada makmum wanita saja. Beberapa hadis yang diriwayatkan oleh al-Baihaqi dan Darqatani menyatakan Aisyah dan Ummu Salamah (isteri-isteri Rasulullah) menjadi imam kepada jemaah wanita saja.
Tempat duduk bagi imam wanita pula adalah dalam saf yang pertama sebaris dengan makmum, tidak terkedepan seperti mana peraturan kedudukan imam lelaki. Tidak ada hadis yang menyebut langsung mengenai wanita boleh menjadi imam sembahyang Jumaat dan membaca khutbah.
Islam memberi persamaan hak berdasarkan keadilan kepada lelaki dan perempuan. Peraturan pengasingan lelaki dengan wanita dalam ibadah sembahyang menunjukkan Islam adalah agama yang tersusun dan bersistem. Ia sebenarnya memberi kebaikan dan kesejahteraan kepada semua pihak. Mereka menunaikan sembahyang untuk mencapai kekhusyukan sepenuh dan diredai Allah swt. Allah swt menyebut dalam al-Quran bahawa orang Islam yang berjaya ialah mereka yang khusyuk dalam sembahyang (Al-Mukminum:1) dan orang yang lalai dalam sembahyang adalah orang yang kerugian besar. - (al-Maaun: 4).
Dalam hadis yang diriwayatkan oleh Bukhari dan Muslim pula menyebut kehebatan dan kecemerlangan sembahyang akan menentukan seseorang itu ahli syurga atau neraka. Ternyata bahawa ibadah sembahyang adalah satu ibadah yang paling hebat dan memberi nikmat besar kepada individu yang mencapai kekhusyukan dalam sembahyang. Ketinggian martabat dan hakikat sembahyang dalam pembentukan peribadi umatnya amat nyata apabila Allah swt menyerah sendiri kepada Rasulullah saw mengenai perintah melaksanakan ibadah sembahyang semasa peristiwa Israk-Mikraj.
Tindakan kontroversi seorang wanita menjadi imam sembahyang Jumaat dan membaca khutbah jelas sekali tidak mengambil kira ketinggian martabat dan kehebatan hakikat sembahyang itu. Oleh itu tindakan tersebut jelas dilihat sebagai tindakan wanita untuk memperjuangkan hak asasi wanita sebagai:
Memperjuangkan hak sama-rata lelaki dan perempuan seperti mana yang diamalkan dalam kebebasan pergaulan lelaki dan perempuan seperti mana yang terdapat dalam upacara sembahyang agama lain.
Berusaha melanggar disiplin ilmu yang dipegang oleh ulama dan fuqaha yang menjadi benteng kekuatan pegangan nilai umat Islam. Jika usaha ini berjaya maka peranan ulama dan fuqaha dalam mempertahankan nilai Islam akan terhakis.
Dengar datangnya sesuatu peristiwa baru, umat Islam hendaklah berfikir secara terbuka sebelum menerimanya. Ia juga hendaklah dinilai dan diselidiki dengan ilmu dan panduan yang jelas sebelum mengikutinya.
Firman Allah swt di dalam surah al-Hujuraat ayat 6 yang bermaksud: "Wahai orang-orang yang beriman! Jika datang kepada kamu seorang fasik membawa sesuatu berita, maka selidikilah (untuk menentukan) kebenarannya, supaya kamu tidak menimpakan sesuatu kaum dengan perkara yang tidak diingini dengan sebab kejahilan kamu (mengenainya) sehingga menjadikan kamu menyesali apa yang telah kamu lakukan".
p/s: Dipetik dari website JAKIM
Oleh Ghafani Awang Teh
BEGINILAH gelagat Amina Wadud mengimamkan solat Jumaat yang turut mencampurkan lelaki dan perempuan pada 18 Mac lalu. - Gambar AFP
DALAM sejarah moden Islam, kita melihat muncul pelbagai nama yang menimbulkan kontroversi seperti Mirza Ghulan Ahmad mendakwa ia sebagai Rasul Allah terakhir. Serpihan pengikut Mirza telah mewujudkan ajaran Qadiyani yang memfatwakan sebagai agama baru.
Kemunculan Mirza di Pakistan mendapat sokongan kuat penjajah British ketika menjajah Pakistan dan India. Kemudian muncul pula Salman Rashdie yang mendakwa al-Quran sebagai ayat syaitan dan diberi perlindungan hebat oleh masyarakat Barat.
Di Bangladesh pernah muncul Taslima Nasreen yang menulis novel berasaskan mencaci al-Quran. Di negara kita sendiri pernah wujud sekelompok umat Islam tidak mengaku Sunnah Rasulullah dan menerbitkan pula kitab BACAAN.
Persoalan besar timbul ialah apakah kontroversi yang dikeluarkan oleh orang Islam jahil silih berganti itu menjadi agenda pihak-pihak tertentu atau komplot untuk menghakis peranan ulama dan fuqaha dalam menjaga kesucian dan kekuatan nilai ajaran Islam?
Pada 18 Mac lalu, umat Islam terkejut dengan laporan berita luar negara yang menyebutkan seorang wanita menjadi imam dan membaca khutbah sembahyang Jumaat yang diadakan di sebuah gereja di Manhattan New York Amerika Syarikat.
Wanita yang menjadi imam itu ialah Amina Wadud (gambar) seorang profesor dalam bidang pengajian Islam di Universiti Commonwealth Virginia Amerika Syarikat. Beliau seorang ibu tunggal dan mempunyai lima anak.
Tindakan kontroversi Amina Wadud mengenai amalan ajaran Islam bukanlah perkara pelik baginya. Beliau pernah menjadi pensyarah di Universiti Islam Antarabangsa Malaysia dari 1989-1992 tetapi perkhidmatannya tidak dilanjutkan kerana pandangannya selalu kontroversi.
Dalam satu Persidangan Perundingan Kepemimpinan Islam Peringkat Antarabangsa Berhubung HIV/Aids di Kuala Lumpur pada 20 Mei 2003, beliau mencaci al-Quran dan Sunnah kerana mendakwa ajarannya berkaitan pendidikan seks menyebabkan HIV/Aids merebak.
Isu utama dalam tindak tanduk terbaru Amina Wadud ialah menjadi imam sembahyang Jumaat, membaca khutbah dan setiap saf-saf sembahyang Jumaat itu bercampur aduk lelaki dan wanita.
Tindakan Amina Wadud menjadi wanita Islam pertama di dunia menjadi imam sembahyang Jumaat dan membaca khutbah menerima kecaman ulama di seluruh dunia, antaranya Syeikh Yusuf al-Qardhawi.
Menurut Syeikh Yusuf al-Qardhawi, fuqaha bersependapat wanita diharamkan menjadi imam sembahyang Jumaat dan membaca khutbah. Pendapat ini berdasarkan pengajaran dan bukan berdasarkan adat sesuatu kaum seperti mana yang didakwa, ketika memberi ulasan lanjut kepada agensi berita Islam Online tentang wanita diharamkan menjadi imam sembahyang kepada makmum lelaki ialah:
Tidak pernah terjadi dalam sejarah Islam seorang wanita menjadi imam solat Jumaat dan membaca khutbah;
Tidak ada seorang Fuqaha pun bersetuju membenarkan wanita menjadi imam solat Jumaat dan membaca khutbahnya;
Sembahyang dalam Islam membabitkan perbuatan pelbagai pergerakan zahir dan batin. Ia tidak mengandungi semata-mata upacara keagamaan serta tidak bercampur aduk antara lelaki dan wanita. Ibadah sembahyang dalam Islam memerlukan tumpuan penuh minda, perasaan dan penyerahan hati khusyuk kepada Allah swt.
Islam menggariskan beberapa peraturan untuk menentukan umatnya beribadah kepada Allah swt secara tertib dan beradab bagi mencapai kekhusyukan dalam menunaikan ibadah kepada Allah.
Selari dengan kehebatan ibadah sembahyang, maka Islam menetapkan beberapa garis panduan dalam melaksanakannya.
Dalam peraturan menunaikan sembahyang berjemaah lelaki dan perempuan Rasulullah bersabda: "Sebaik-baik saf bagi lelaki ialah saf yang pertama dan seburuk-buruknya saf yang terakhir manakala sebaik-baik saf bagi wanita ialah saf yang paling belakang dan seburuk-buruknya adalah saf yang pertama." - (Riwayat: Muslim).
Hadis ini adalah hadis sahih. Ini adalah peraturan dan disiplin sembahyang berjemaah dalam beribadah kepada Allah.
Islam membenarkan wanita menjadi imam kepada makmum wanita saja. Beberapa hadis yang diriwayatkan oleh al-Baihaqi dan Darqatani menyatakan Aisyah dan Ummu Salamah (isteri-isteri Rasulullah) menjadi imam kepada jemaah wanita saja.
Tempat duduk bagi imam wanita pula adalah dalam saf yang pertama sebaris dengan makmum, tidak terkedepan seperti mana peraturan kedudukan imam lelaki. Tidak ada hadis yang menyebut langsung mengenai wanita boleh menjadi imam sembahyang Jumaat dan membaca khutbah.
Islam memberi persamaan hak berdasarkan keadilan kepada lelaki dan perempuan. Peraturan pengasingan lelaki dengan wanita dalam ibadah sembahyang menunjukkan Islam adalah agama yang tersusun dan bersistem. Ia sebenarnya memberi kebaikan dan kesejahteraan kepada semua pihak. Mereka menunaikan sembahyang untuk mencapai kekhusyukan sepenuh dan diredai Allah swt. Allah swt menyebut dalam al-Quran bahawa orang Islam yang berjaya ialah mereka yang khusyuk dalam sembahyang (Al-Mukminum:1) dan orang yang lalai dalam sembahyang adalah orang yang kerugian besar. - (al-Maaun: 4).
Dalam hadis yang diriwayatkan oleh Bukhari dan Muslim pula menyebut kehebatan dan kecemerlangan sembahyang akan menentukan seseorang itu ahli syurga atau neraka. Ternyata bahawa ibadah sembahyang adalah satu ibadah yang paling hebat dan memberi nikmat besar kepada individu yang mencapai kekhusyukan dalam sembahyang. Ketinggian martabat dan hakikat sembahyang dalam pembentukan peribadi umatnya amat nyata apabila Allah swt menyerah sendiri kepada Rasulullah saw mengenai perintah melaksanakan ibadah sembahyang semasa peristiwa Israk-Mikraj.
Tindakan kontroversi seorang wanita menjadi imam sembahyang Jumaat dan membaca khutbah jelas sekali tidak mengambil kira ketinggian martabat dan kehebatan hakikat sembahyang itu. Oleh itu tindakan tersebut jelas dilihat sebagai tindakan wanita untuk memperjuangkan hak asasi wanita sebagai:
Memperjuangkan hak sama-rata lelaki dan perempuan seperti mana yang diamalkan dalam kebebasan pergaulan lelaki dan perempuan seperti mana yang terdapat dalam upacara sembahyang agama lain.
Berusaha melanggar disiplin ilmu yang dipegang oleh ulama dan fuqaha yang menjadi benteng kekuatan pegangan nilai umat Islam. Jika usaha ini berjaya maka peranan ulama dan fuqaha dalam mempertahankan nilai Islam akan terhakis.
Dengar datangnya sesuatu peristiwa baru, umat Islam hendaklah berfikir secara terbuka sebelum menerimanya. Ia juga hendaklah dinilai dan diselidiki dengan ilmu dan panduan yang jelas sebelum mengikutinya.
Firman Allah swt di dalam surah al-Hujuraat ayat 6 yang bermaksud: "Wahai orang-orang yang beriman! Jika datang kepada kamu seorang fasik membawa sesuatu berita, maka selidikilah (untuk menentukan) kebenarannya, supaya kamu tidak menimpakan sesuatu kaum dengan perkara yang tidak diingini dengan sebab kejahilan kamu (mengenainya) sehingga menjadikan kamu menyesali apa yang telah kamu lakukan".
p/s: Dipetik dari website JAKIM
Jumaat, Ogos 26, 2005
Ketahui Hak Anda Jika Ditahan Pihak Berkuasa
Aku copy dari friendster
Anda sedang berjalan, menunggang atau
memandu dan tiba-tiba anda ditahan oleh polis.
Apa yang perlu anda lakukan? Anda hanya perlu
memberi nama, nombor kad pengenalan dan
alamat. Pastikan anda sentiasa membawa kad
pengenalan anda. Selain daripada itu, anda tidak
perlu menjawab sebarang soalan lain. Anda berhak
meminta kad kuasa polis. Jangan lupa catat nama
dan nombor pengenalan mereka. Catatkan juga
nombor kereta peronda polis tersebut.
Jika seseorang berpakaian biasa yang
menyatakan dirinya polis menahan anda, anda
berhak meminta mereka menunjukkan kad kuasa
mereka. Polis dikehendaki mengenalkan diri
mereka terlebih dahulu sebelum menjalankan
tugas. Catatkan nama dan nombor pengenalan
Jika anda ditanya soalan-soalan lain, tanya polis
tersebut, "Adakah saya ditangkap?". Anda berhak
mengetahui sama ada anda ditangkap atau tidak.
Jika polis menjawab YA, JANGAN jawab sebarang
soalan lagi. Anda berhak menjawab soalan-soalan
tersebut di Mahkamah. Jika polis menjawab
TIDAK, anda bebas untuk beredar dari tempat itu.
Polis tidak berhak memeriksa anda tanpa sebab.
Polis hanya boleh memeriksa anda jika anda
ditangkap. Hanya pegawai wanita sahaja yang
boleh memeriksa badan seorang wanita dan
pegawai lelaki yang akan memeriksa badan lelaki
dan dilakukan dengan sopan. Ini hak anda seperti
yang termaktub dalam prosedur jenayah.
Anda dianggap DITANGKAP sekiranya polis
memberitahu anda, "Anda Ditangkap" atau digari
atau dilarang daripada meninggalkan tempat anda
ditahan. Polis mesti memberitahu yang anda
ditangkap. Ini adalah hak perlembagaan anda.
Sekiranya anda ditangkap, pastikan ada orang
yang tahu anda telah ditangkap. Jika anda
membawa telefon bimbit, hubungi rakan, keluarga
atau peguam anda. Kenalpasti tempat dan masa
anda ditahan. Kemungkinan besar anda akan
dibawa ke balai polis yang terdekat. Minta rakan,
keluarga atau peguam anda pergi ke balai polis
yang berhampiran dengan tempat anda ditahan.
Apabila berada di lokap, barang-barang yang anda
bawa akan diambil dan disenaraikan oleh polis.
Periksa senarai tersebut, pastikan jumlah wang
dan butir-butir kad kredit dan bank ditulis dengan
betul. Pastikan anda tandatangani senarai
tersebut. Polis hanya boleh menahan anda dalam
lokap selama 24 jam sahaja tidak kira sama ada
pada cuti umum atau hujung minggu. Sebelum
tempoh 24 jam tersebut tamat, polis harus
membawa anda berjumpa Majistret.
Apabila dihadapkan ke mahkamah, beritahu
Majistret jika anda ada apa-apa aduan contohnya
anda dipukul, dipaksa membuat pengakuan,
diugut, ditangkap tanpa memberitahu kesalahan
anda, perlu berjumpa doktor dan sebagainya.
Majistret hanya boleh mengenakan tahanan reman
dalam lokap tidak lebih dari 14 hari. Peguam wajib
ada bersama anda. Jika tiada peguam,
maklumkan kepada Majistret untuk mendapatkan
perkhidmatan peguam. Pusat Bantuan Guaman
ada menyediakan khidmat guaman.
Jika anda memerlukan bantuan hubungi :
* Pusat Bantuan Guaman KL : 03-26913005 /
* Pusat Bantuan Guaman Selangor : 03-33722792
* Biro Bantuan Guaman Wilayah Persekutuan : 03-
* Biro Bantuan Guaman Selangor : 03-55194367 /
* SUARAM : 03-77843525
* HAKAM : 03-26938828
* Sisters In Islam : 03-79606121 / 79606122 /
*Pusat/Biro Bantuan Guaman Setempat
p/s: terima kasih kpd koscek.
Anda sedang berjalan, menunggang atau
memandu dan tiba-tiba anda ditahan oleh polis.
Apa yang perlu anda lakukan? Anda hanya perlu
memberi nama, nombor kad pengenalan dan
alamat. Pastikan anda sentiasa membawa kad
pengenalan anda. Selain daripada itu, anda tidak
perlu menjawab sebarang soalan lain. Anda berhak
meminta kad kuasa polis. Jangan lupa catat nama
dan nombor pengenalan mereka. Catatkan juga
nombor kereta peronda polis tersebut.
Jika seseorang berpakaian biasa yang
menyatakan dirinya polis menahan anda, anda
berhak meminta mereka menunjukkan kad kuasa
mereka. Polis dikehendaki mengenalkan diri
mereka terlebih dahulu sebelum menjalankan
tugas. Catatkan nama dan nombor pengenalan
Jika anda ditanya soalan-soalan lain, tanya polis
tersebut, "Adakah saya ditangkap?". Anda berhak
mengetahui sama ada anda ditangkap atau tidak.
Jika polis menjawab YA, JANGAN jawab sebarang
soalan lagi. Anda berhak menjawab soalan-soalan
tersebut di Mahkamah. Jika polis menjawab
TIDAK, anda bebas untuk beredar dari tempat itu.
Polis tidak berhak memeriksa anda tanpa sebab.
Polis hanya boleh memeriksa anda jika anda
ditangkap. Hanya pegawai wanita sahaja yang
boleh memeriksa badan seorang wanita dan
pegawai lelaki yang akan memeriksa badan lelaki
dan dilakukan dengan sopan. Ini hak anda seperti
yang termaktub dalam prosedur jenayah.
Anda dianggap DITANGKAP sekiranya polis
memberitahu anda, "Anda Ditangkap" atau digari
atau dilarang daripada meninggalkan tempat anda
ditahan. Polis mesti memberitahu yang anda
ditangkap. Ini adalah hak perlembagaan anda.
Sekiranya anda ditangkap, pastikan ada orang
yang tahu anda telah ditangkap. Jika anda
membawa telefon bimbit, hubungi rakan, keluarga
atau peguam anda. Kenalpasti tempat dan masa
anda ditahan. Kemungkinan besar anda akan
dibawa ke balai polis yang terdekat. Minta rakan,
keluarga atau peguam anda pergi ke balai polis
yang berhampiran dengan tempat anda ditahan.
Apabila berada di lokap, barang-barang yang anda
bawa akan diambil dan disenaraikan oleh polis.
Periksa senarai tersebut, pastikan jumlah wang
dan butir-butir kad kredit dan bank ditulis dengan
betul. Pastikan anda tandatangani senarai
tersebut. Polis hanya boleh menahan anda dalam
lokap selama 24 jam sahaja tidak kira sama ada
pada cuti umum atau hujung minggu. Sebelum
tempoh 24 jam tersebut tamat, polis harus
membawa anda berjumpa Majistret.
Apabila dihadapkan ke mahkamah, beritahu
Majistret jika anda ada apa-apa aduan contohnya
anda dipukul, dipaksa membuat pengakuan,
diugut, ditangkap tanpa memberitahu kesalahan
anda, perlu berjumpa doktor dan sebagainya.
Majistret hanya boleh mengenakan tahanan reman
dalam lokap tidak lebih dari 14 hari. Peguam wajib
ada bersama anda. Jika tiada peguam,
maklumkan kepada Majistret untuk mendapatkan
perkhidmatan peguam. Pusat Bantuan Guaman
ada menyediakan khidmat guaman.
Jika anda memerlukan bantuan hubungi :
* Pusat Bantuan Guaman KL : 03-26913005 /
* Pusat Bantuan Guaman Selangor : 03-33722792
* Biro Bantuan Guaman Wilayah Persekutuan : 03-
* Biro Bantuan Guaman Selangor : 03-55194367 /
* SUARAM : 03-77843525
* HAKAM : 03-26938828
* Sisters In Islam : 03-79606121 / 79606122 /
*Pusat/Biro Bantuan Guaman Setempat
p/s: terima kasih kpd koscek.
Selasa, Ogos 23, 2005
Akhirnya maybank2u menyediakan reload hotlink utk rm10..best best..takyah nak g kedai kalau desperate nak reload..ehahaha
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Mobile/Internet Prepaid
Payment Status : Successful
Serial Number: A000330211821
Reload PIN Code: 68748749474716
From Account: 23232345454 WSA
Corporation Name: Maxis Hotlink
Product Type: Maxis Hotlink Prepaid
Amount: RM10.00
Effective Date: Today
New Account Balance: RM99999999999999999
Reference No.: 34343434
Transaction Date/Time: 23 Aug 2005 08:25:00
Please record your serial number and reload PIN Code for future reference as Maybank2u.com and Maxis do not keep your reload PIN Code.
Khamis, Ogos 18, 2005
Punca Jerebu Dikenal pasti!!

Statement ni aku ambil dari blog pengikut ayah pin yang setia....
Sky Kingdom Blog
Ayah Pin, the most Honourable Man.He brings peace and love to us in the world. Teach us about human rights and respects to religions of the world. Before he left in missing, he said to us; "LIVE IN PEACE, NO FIGHT, LET THEM DEMOLISH OR TEAR DOWN OUR PLACE, THEY WILL SEE THEIR OWN CRUELTY WHEN TIME COMES". I have missed him.I know DISASTERS are so close to hit Malaysia for their sins. "JEREBU" is just a STARTER, don't panic..., as more attacks will come..when you never realise..it happens!!
Penulis blog ini nampaknya begitu mahir dalam selok belok islam, dia mengupas setiap isu dan ajaran ayah pin dgn begitu mendalam sekali? mungkin dia pencipta dasar kerajaan langit kot?mungkin....
Dia mendapat didikan agama yg sempurna sejak kecil lg...:
"Aku juga tidak pernah tinggal puasa walau sehari sejak dari umur 4 tahun lagi dan mengikuti urusan dakwah Islamiah sejak di bangku sekolah lagi. Aku seorang yang sangat mengetahui kelemahan ajaran Islam yang di ajar oleh tok imam di masjid dan guru-guru agama hinggakan aku digelar “tok guru” dikalangan teman-temanku kerana memiliki keistimewaan menterjemah dan mengupas Al-Quran".
Dan lepas tu kononnya dia dah cukup ilmu, dia buat kenyataan ini...:
"Sejarah kitab sudah lama berlalu dan ianya tidak ditulis dan dirakam ketika itu, tetapi ia wujud 100 tahun kemudian atau berabad kemudian dan sejarah itu pun dibukukan. Begitu juga sejarah Ayah Pin, ia mungkin tidak dirakamkan oleh mana-mana pengikutnya, tetapi aku cuba engkar, tidak akan mengulangi sejarah lama supaya cerita yang sebenar bisa terus sampai ke telinga pendengar di waktu ini , ketika beliau masih bernafas di muka bumi".
Dan apa yg pasti, kebanyakkan bijak pandai yg murtad akan melafazkan ayat yang sedemikian:
"Aku punya pemikiran yang luas dan terperinci dalam soal hati dan kepercayaan. Aku tidak mengikut apa yang diikuti manusia lain tanpa mengetahui tujuan dan maksud agama itu sendiri. Aku sudah besar untuk mencari bukti kenapa aku perlu menjadi Islam dan tidak agama lain. Aku juga sudah besar untuk mendapat kebebasan mencari ilmu walau ke negeri China. Aku mencari dan mencari di segenap pelusuk bumi dengan adanya alat internet yang canggih, aku bisa mendalami pelbagai ilmu yang ada diatas bumi ini".
Inilah yg akan berlaku bila manusia terkeluar dari landas utama dan tidak menggunakan lagi rujukan utama (kitab suci/hadis).Dengan erti kata yg lainnya.. "bila logika mengalahkan kebenaran" dan dia menulis blog itu bila EMOSI MENGALAHKAN LOGIKA ...
AKU SUNGGUH TAK PAHAM TENTANG MANUSIA INI. Tuhan dah pesan jangan cuba belajar mengenai zatNya, belajar dulu mengenali diri sendiri....
Malaysia Muslims have NO way OUT
Malaysia's Muslims have 'no way out'
By Ioannis Gatsiounis
JOHOR BAHRU, Malaysia — In multiethnic Malaysia, where Islam is the official religion but freedom of religion is guaranteed under the constitution, the majority Malays are born Muslim and apostasy is all but impossible for them. Cases of aspiring apostates are handled by Shariah courts, rather than civil courts. According to the Koran, apostasy is grounds for death, and no Muslim should assist another out of the religion. So the appeals usually sit, and sit. Many would-be apostates don't live to see their conversion officially recognized. Some have been jailed. As one religious scholar put it, "In Malaysia, there's a way into Islam, but no way out."
The Rev. Kumar — not his real name — recalls the religious police rattling his front gate in the middle of the night. The warning was clear. "But I am not afraid," Mr. Kumar said. "My work is God's will and I have a worthy cause to fight for. [Malays] have a right to find Jesus." His evangelical church has 12 branches throughout Malaysia and 30 affiliates, and Mr. Kumar estimates that 100 Muslims are converting to Christianity every month in the country.
He said there has been a marked increase in interest in the past three years, since the September 11 attacks in the United States. A royal family and the daughter of a former prime minister are among his list of converts. Christian groups estimate that there are 30,000 Malay converts in the country. Some Muslim groups say the figure is much lower. However, nondenominational observers say most converts live in secrecy for fear of harassment from the government, family and fellow Malays. One Malay convert and former ustaza, a Muslim religious teacher, reports that she and her family are harassed regularly by the authorities. Because she is Malay, her son was born a Muslim and forced to adopt a Muslim name.
Some Muslim and non-Muslim leaders say the government could be doing more to improve dialogue and understanding among the faiths. It has, for instance, denied permits for several interfaith dialogues. And when Mel Gibson's film "The Passion of the Christ" arrives here soon, only Christians will be able to view it. Non-Christians will be weeded out in the ticket line on the basis of their national ID cards, which states one's religion. Nora Murah, a legal officer with Sisters in Islam, says the decision contradicts the prophet Muhammad's teachings. "The prophet embraced diversity and inclusiveness," she said.
p/s: Aku menggunakan perkatan DIA bukan BELIAU adalah kerana aku tidak menyokong atau menhormati kenyataan mamat tu. Sebab masa The edge interview ayah pin, ayah pin bagi jawapan yg memang putar belit Wartawan:"Lelaki ngan perempuan sama"? Ayah Pin:"Sama sahaja". (asal ayah pin boleh mesem jadilah). Wartawan:"Sama-sama ada kelebihan"? Ayah Pin:"Lelaki lagi lebih". Bingai betul ayah pin, patut la ramai yg sesat..kena ceramah kat raja putar belit....
Gambar tu aku ambik kat http://ayah-pin.blogspot.com
Rabu, Ogos 17, 2005
Besar atau Kecil?

Argh..krancip sungguh.. kebelakangan ini aku sangat sibuk sekali... tak sempat hendak menghapdet berbolok.
Dah lama gak aku memikir isu ini, kerana tiap2 hari aku dan semua orang (amnya) pergi ke tandas bile tiba masanya. tapi pernah korang terpikir bahawa di tandas pun ada unsur-unsur diskriminasi (tandas lelaki).
Secara normalnya di tandas lelaki ada 2 jenis tempat membuang. Satu utk org yg suka berdiri dan satu lagi utk org yg sukakkan membuang di dalam bilik (walaupun pembuangan secara kecil-kecilan).
Tetapi jika dilihat dari sudut yang lain, kriteria pemilihan tempat pembuangan boleh dikatakan dipengaruhi oleh saiz "besar atau kecil". Dalam erti kata lain, sesiapa yg memiliki peralatan besar akan cenderung menggunakan tempat pembuangan yang terbuka (yg jenis berdiri). Dan yg kecil pula adalah sebaliknya.Mengapa? sebab utamanya adalah mereka ini nak "show-off" tahap kebesarannya.Kalau ada org ternampak pun kira tak malu lah. Yang kecil pula berlumba-lumba beratur didepan pintu tandas walaupun banyak terdapat kekosongan di tempat berdiri. Ini kerana faktor kekecilan itu menyebabkan golongan ini berasa malu utk menggunakan fasiliti kat luar itu.Hmmm...
Secara kesimpulannya, kalau korang nak tahu saiz seseorang itu...tgk masa pemilihan tempat pembuangan dibuat.. mungkin satu masa nanti, pihak pentadbir tandas akan membuat label "Utk yg besar sahaja" dan "Utk yg kecil sahaja" didalam tandas...
p/s: baik la ko pakai pampers..x yah gi tandas....
Jumaat, Ogos 12, 2005
MMU yg kapitalis
Dear Student,
Congratulations on your completion of studies in MMU!
During your stay at MMU, the campus life has been memorable with your
participation in the extra-curricular activities, your study time in
the lecture halls and rooms, as well as your unforgettable friendship
with classmates and MMU Community. In the near future, we believe that
MMU would be proud of your achievements and career advancement and
would welcome your continuous relationship with the university. For
MMU to continue to grow in academic reputation, quality teaching and
strong collaborations, and to provide a better environment for your
juniors to study in, we appreciate very much for your kind
consideration in donating the MMU deposit that you've paid for during
your first day of registration to the following fund:
i. Student Welfare Fund: This fund
will be used as a financial assistance for students who are in need of
financial aid in academic matters.
ii. MMU Facilities Fund: This fund will
be used for facilities improvement for the well being of the student
e.g. Internet service
iii. MMU Endowment Fund: This fund will
be used for future development of labs, academic buildings and
We would like to thank you again for your kind and generous
Yours sincerely,
p/s: surat ini diposkan oleh pembaca berbolok. jadi memang nyatalah MMU ialah Money Making University.
Congratulations on your completion of studies in MMU!
During your stay at MMU, the campus life has been memorable with your
participation in the extra-curricular activities, your study time in
the lecture halls and rooms, as well as your unforgettable friendship
with classmates and MMU Community. In the near future, we believe that
MMU would be proud of your achievements and career advancement and
would welcome your continuous relationship with the university. For
MMU to continue to grow in academic reputation, quality teaching and
strong collaborations, and to provide a better environment for your
juniors to study in, we appreciate very much for your kind
consideration in donating the MMU deposit that you've paid for during
your first day of registration to the following fund:
i. Student Welfare Fund: This fund
will be used as a financial assistance for students who are in need of
financial aid in academic matters.
ii. MMU Facilities Fund: This fund will
be used for facilities improvement for the well being of the student
e.g. Internet service
iii. MMU Endowment Fund: This fund will
be used for future development of labs, academic buildings and
We would like to thank you again for your kind and generous
Yours sincerely,
p/s: surat ini diposkan oleh pembaca berbolok. jadi memang nyatalah MMU ialah Money Making University.
Khamis, Ogos 11, 2005
Iklan Bolok
Assalamuaalaikum & Salam Sejahtera. Kepada sesiapa yang berbakat untuk
berlakon, sila ketengahkan bakat anda dengan berjumpa/menelefon Puan
Noorhamiza di talian 0136264493. Pelakon sambilan telemovie
dikehendaki untuk Ace Motion Pictures Sdn Bhd di bawah arahan Aziz M
Osman. Sekian, selamat mencuba..
p/s: iklan ini dihantar oleh berbolok reader
berlakon, sila ketengahkan bakat anda dengan berjumpa/menelefon Puan
Noorhamiza di talian 0136264493. Pelakon sambilan telemovie
dikehendaki untuk Ace Motion Pictures Sdn Bhd di bawah arahan Aziz M
Osman. Sekian, selamat mencuba..
p/s: iklan ini dihantar oleh berbolok reader
Selasa, Ogos 09, 2005
Ramalan mu tipu belaka...
Isnin, Ogos 08, 2005
Jumaat, Ogos 05, 2005
Ayah Pin Dari Perspektif Barat
This article written by La Bona, a berbolok reader.
tapi aku tidak menyokong isi kandungan artikel ini kerana dia menghina islam,sesungguhnya kafir mmg bingaiii..
Berita kemusnahan kerajaan langit
La Bona Blog
Breaking News!
Barbaric persecution of an apostate …
State persecutes an ex-Muslim and flatten his religious commune …
Introduction: Sky Kingdom

Sky Kingdom is a quasi-religious commune located in north east Malaysian. It has some 1,000 faithful and their main objective is to promote interfaith understanding. Sky Kingdom is a theme park like commune with an umbrella-shaped building, an ornamental fishing boat, strategically located faux Greco-Roman pillars, and the centrepiece - a pink giant ‘Teapot’!
Its spiritual leader: Ayah Pin is believed to be a reincarnation of everyone from Shiva to Buddha or from Jesus Christ or to Mohammed.
Ayah Pin: "All religions are basically the same, God teaches love. He is for anyone who wants to know about the world. You can choose whichever religion you want."
The commune has been branded as a ‘Deviationist cult’ by the authorities ... More at Storm in the teapot, Sky Kingdom Ayah Pin etc.
Once Muslim, Forever Slave!
Together with members of the group, Ayah Pin has publicly renounced their Islamic faith in 1998 but was REJECTED by the state (NB: Apostasy is a capital crime in Malaysia punishable by DEATH sentence!)
The Persecution

In 2001, the Malaysian authorities jailed Ayah Pin for 11 months for attempting to renounce Islam.
He is viewed as a security threat and they continue to harass him with all sorts of uncivilized threats befitting the low-life including smashing up the lovely giant teapot and flattening the commune, which they just did so yesterday!
Prior to the destruction, the authorities raided the commune in July, 2005 and detained 45 faithful including a Kiwi, senior citizens and among others, 3 children of Ayah Pin and his 3 wives.
I read somewhere; there are kids left behind unattended in commune and while some faithful have to pawn all theier belongs just to bail themselves out, majority of the detainees are still in custody.
Their crime: Trying to be unIslamic!
As if the arrest was not good enough, mobs made up of some 35 unidentified assailants armed with Molotov cocktails attacked the commune and set the place ablaze …. Assailants attack Ayah Pin's commune with Molotov cocktails! ... I supposed mobs and Molotov cocktails are Islamic.
Human Rights?
This must be a Greek word in Islam …
The group has appealed to a the local commision in charge of human rights ‘Suhakam’ for help … so far, no action.
And the most rediculous fact is that Malaysia is actually a secular state!
According to their constitutions, there is religious freedom ... Refer to Malaysian Federal Constitution, the Supreme Law (Article 4:1): -
“Article number: 3
(1) Islam is the religion of the Federation; but other religions may be practised in peace and harmony in any part of the Federation.”
More detailsof their contitutions at Malaysia-Today
I am seeing hypocrisy of the highest order here ...
By the way, Mr. Pin is still at large. They said he is ‘protected’ by the Almighty in the name of justice ... do you buy this divine theory?
In the name of Religious Freedom, may God bless Ayah Pin and revive the cute Sky Kingdom ...
Monday August 1, 2005
‘Sky’ comes tumbling down

Ayah Pin: The authorities are still searching for him.
JERTEH: The giant teapot and other key structures at the Sky Kingdom commune came tumbling down yesterday after the Besut District Council sent in it's demolition squad.
More than 30 followers of the sect, who watched the demolition, did not resist or challenge the authorities.
Several children of sect leader Ariffin Mohamad, known as Ayah Pin to his followers, were among those who watched the Sky Kingdom symbols crashing to earth.
Asked what she thought of the council’s move, daughter Nor Hashide, 20, replied: “Tak tahu (Don’t know).”
Policemen at the scene barred pressmen from getting near the commune or take pictures of the demolition work.
The followers were taken by surprise when the 40 council workers entered the commune with four excavators and five lorries at 2.30pm. About 50 policemen and officers from the state Islamic Affairs department accompanied them.
Sky Kingdom follower Sulaiman Takrib, 56, said the perimeter wall was the first to go, followed by the assembly hall, the boat, the Dewan Bulat, the Dewan Nasyid, the teapot and other structures.
WHAT’S LEFT: The Dewan Bulat where Ayah Pin used to meet visitors is now lying in ruins after the Besut District Council demolished it yesterday.
Sulaiman said an officer went to look for the children of Che Minah Remeli, 58, the first wife of Ayah Pin, to sign a certain form.
Nobody came forward and the letter was eventually pushed under the door of one of the houses.
In a related development, the three other wives of Ayah Pin have been detained by the Kelantan police at a house in Kampung Sungai Pinang, near Tumpat.
They are his second wife Zaharah Awang, 45, third wife Ruzilah Mokhtar, 41, and fourth wife Nik Kamariah Nik Pah, 33.
Overview of the Sky Kingdom compound and structures on June 6.
The Terengganu Islamic affairs department had put them on the wanted list for being involved in teachings deviant to Islamic beliefs.
They will be charged at the Lower Syariah Court today under Section 10 of the Syariah Criminal Offences (Takzir) (Terengganu) Enactment 2001.
Department commissioner Shaik Harun Ismail said the Kelantan police handed over the cult leader’s three wives to the Jerteh police at 11am.
PILE OF RUBBISH: A Besut District Council driver looking at some of the debris which will be disposed off at another location after the demolition exercise at the Sky Kingdom commune yesterday.
The district police, in turn, handed them over to the department at 4pm.
The authorities, however, have yet to detain Che Minah or Ayah Pin.
Early last month, Ayah Pin obtained an injunction to stop any attempt to demolish any structure at his commune.
State Islam Hadhari Development committee chairman Wan Mohamad Wan Hassan had said on July 5 that any effort to shut down the village would depend on the outcome of the hearing.
Even if the state Islamic affairs department won the case, Ayah Pin was expected to make an appeal.
Ayah Pin was declared an apostate for leaving Islam and had spent 11 months in jail in 2001 for his activities.
Ayah Pin and his four wives were earlier said to have fled from the Sky Kingdom before the compound was attacked by a group of masked men on July 18.
p/s: aku tidak menyangka ayah pin begitu famous hingga mengalahkan mawi..hoyess
tapi aku tidak menyokong isi kandungan artikel ini kerana dia menghina islam,sesungguhnya kafir mmg bingaiii..
Berita kemusnahan kerajaan langit
La Bona Blog
Breaking News!
Barbaric persecution of an apostate …
State persecutes an ex-Muslim and flatten his religious commune …
Introduction: Sky Kingdom

Sky Kingdom is a quasi-religious commune located in north east Malaysian. It has some 1,000 faithful and their main objective is to promote interfaith understanding. Sky Kingdom is a theme park like commune with an umbrella-shaped building, an ornamental fishing boat, strategically located faux Greco-Roman pillars, and the centrepiece - a pink giant ‘Teapot’!
Its spiritual leader: Ayah Pin is believed to be a reincarnation of everyone from Shiva to Buddha or from Jesus Christ or to Mohammed.
Ayah Pin: "All religions are basically the same, God teaches love. He is for anyone who wants to know about the world. You can choose whichever religion you want."
The commune has been branded as a ‘Deviationist cult’ by the authorities ... More at Storm in the teapot, Sky Kingdom Ayah Pin etc.
Once Muslim, Forever Slave!
Together with members of the group, Ayah Pin has publicly renounced their Islamic faith in 1998 but was REJECTED by the state (NB: Apostasy is a capital crime in Malaysia punishable by DEATH sentence!)
The Persecution

In 2001, the Malaysian authorities jailed Ayah Pin for 11 months for attempting to renounce Islam.
He is viewed as a security threat and they continue to harass him with all sorts of uncivilized threats befitting the low-life including smashing up the lovely giant teapot and flattening the commune, which they just did so yesterday!
Prior to the destruction, the authorities raided the commune in July, 2005 and detained 45 faithful including a Kiwi, senior citizens and among others, 3 children of Ayah Pin and his 3 wives.
I read somewhere; there are kids left behind unattended in commune and while some faithful have to pawn all theier belongs just to bail themselves out, majority of the detainees are still in custody.
Their crime: Trying to be unIslamic!
As if the arrest was not good enough, mobs made up of some 35 unidentified assailants armed with Molotov cocktails attacked the commune and set the place ablaze …. Assailants attack Ayah Pin's commune with Molotov cocktails! ... I supposed mobs and Molotov cocktails are Islamic.
Human Rights?
This must be a Greek word in Islam …
The group has appealed to a the local commision in charge of human rights ‘Suhakam’ for help … so far, no action.
And the most rediculous fact is that Malaysia is actually a secular state!
According to their constitutions, there is religious freedom ... Refer to Malaysian Federal Constitution, the Supreme Law (Article 4:1): -
“Article number: 3
(1) Islam is the religion of the Federation; but other religions may be practised in peace and harmony in any part of the Federation.”
More detailsof their contitutions at Malaysia-Today
I am seeing hypocrisy of the highest order here ...
By the way, Mr. Pin is still at large. They said he is ‘protected’ by the Almighty in the name of justice ... do you buy this divine theory?
In the name of Religious Freedom, may God bless Ayah Pin and revive the cute Sky Kingdom ...
Monday August 1, 2005
‘Sky’ comes tumbling down

Ayah Pin: The authorities are still searching for him.
JERTEH: The giant teapot and other key structures at the Sky Kingdom commune came tumbling down yesterday after the Besut District Council sent in it's demolition squad.
More than 30 followers of the sect, who watched the demolition, did not resist or challenge the authorities.
Several children of sect leader Ariffin Mohamad, known as Ayah Pin to his followers, were among those who watched the Sky Kingdom symbols crashing to earth.
Asked what she thought of the council’s move, daughter Nor Hashide, 20, replied: “Tak tahu (Don’t know).”
Policemen at the scene barred pressmen from getting near the commune or take pictures of the demolition work.
The followers were taken by surprise when the 40 council workers entered the commune with four excavators and five lorries at 2.30pm. About 50 policemen and officers from the state Islamic Affairs department accompanied them.
Sky Kingdom follower Sulaiman Takrib, 56, said the perimeter wall was the first to go, followed by the assembly hall, the boat, the Dewan Bulat, the Dewan Nasyid, the teapot and other structures.
WHAT’S LEFT: The Dewan Bulat where Ayah Pin used to meet visitors is now lying in ruins after the Besut District Council demolished it yesterday.
Sulaiman said an officer went to look for the children of Che Minah Remeli, 58, the first wife of Ayah Pin, to sign a certain form.
Nobody came forward and the letter was eventually pushed under the door of one of the houses.
In a related development, the three other wives of Ayah Pin have been detained by the Kelantan police at a house in Kampung Sungai Pinang, near Tumpat.
They are his second wife Zaharah Awang, 45, third wife Ruzilah Mokhtar, 41, and fourth wife Nik Kamariah Nik Pah, 33.
Overview of the Sky Kingdom compound and structures on June 6.
The Terengganu Islamic affairs department had put them on the wanted list for being involved in teachings deviant to Islamic beliefs.
They will be charged at the Lower Syariah Court today under Section 10 of the Syariah Criminal Offences (Takzir) (Terengganu) Enactment 2001.
Department commissioner Shaik Harun Ismail said the Kelantan police handed over the cult leader’s three wives to the Jerteh police at 11am.
PILE OF RUBBISH: A Besut District Council driver looking at some of the debris which will be disposed off at another location after the demolition exercise at the Sky Kingdom commune yesterday.
The district police, in turn, handed them over to the department at 4pm.
The authorities, however, have yet to detain Che Minah or Ayah Pin.
Early last month, Ayah Pin obtained an injunction to stop any attempt to demolish any structure at his commune.
State Islam Hadhari Development committee chairman Wan Mohamad Wan Hassan had said on July 5 that any effort to shut down the village would depend on the outcome of the hearing.
Even if the state Islamic affairs department won the case, Ayah Pin was expected to make an appeal.
Ayah Pin was declared an apostate for leaving Islam and had spent 11 months in jail in 2001 for his activities.
Ayah Pin and his four wives were earlier said to have fled from the Sky Kingdom before the compound was attacked by a group of masked men on July 18.
p/s: aku tidak menyangka ayah pin begitu famous hingga mengalahkan mawi..hoyess
Pilihan Respons Pembaca
Rupa-rupanya blog mengarut aku ni mendapat perhatian dari pengkaji agama dari barat.Jangan serius sangat geng.....minah ni berminat dlm hal ayah pin dan kerajaan langit.. La Bona, thanks 4 the comment!!
La Bona Blog
La Bona said...
I think it is a crying shame that some people can be threatened by a few concrete structures.
I say the Sky Kingdom crushing akin to the demolition of the Bamiyan Buddha by Taliban
I have a related blog here Islam: Persecution of Sky Kingdom II.
6:02 AM

La Bona
* Age: 64
* Gender: male
* Astrological Sign: Libra
* Zodiac Year:: Dragon
* Industry: Religion
* Occupation: Divine Representative
* Location: God Inspired : Consensus Driven
About Me
WARNING: Blind obsession with prophecy can be perilous or even fatal, reader discretion is advised! Submitted to God as His worldly Activist on a non-exclusive basis since June 15, 2005 1:00 am ET. “La Bona” is a professional name inspired by God; it means "The Righteous", “The Virtuous” or simply “The Good” in Esperanto (a neutral international language). DivineTalk® is an Open Commentary Forum blessed by God for His Children to engage in dialogue, discourse and debate on laws, standards and values on morality, lifestyle, ethics, business and just about anything else related to their life. God enlightened to have His Words improvised and updated with the prevailing circumstances so that the divine guidance, dogma and policy will evolve with time and stay relevant to His Children in the very era they live in as the way forward. La Bona is a Truth Seeker, Myth Buster, Freedom Fighter, Cyber Activist, Liberal Animal, Always Samaritan, Messiah Wannabe and in order to serve His Children of diverse backgrounds, La Bona is motivated and aim to eventually multitask as Divine Representative, Contemporary Prophet, Celestial Executive, Deity Clairvoyant, Holy Spiritualist ...
If you drive on a parkway why don't they make the whole plane out of that?
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View this Blog DivineTalk ... God inspired Commentary Forum
La Bona Blog
La Bona said...
I think it is a crying shame that some people can be threatened by a few concrete structures.
I say the Sky Kingdom crushing akin to the demolition of the Bamiyan Buddha by Taliban
I have a related blog here Islam: Persecution of Sky Kingdom II.
6:02 AM

La Bona
* Age: 64
* Gender: male
* Astrological Sign: Libra
* Zodiac Year:: Dragon
* Industry: Religion
* Occupation: Divine Representative
* Location: God Inspired : Consensus Driven
About Me
WARNING: Blind obsession with prophecy can be perilous or even fatal, reader discretion is advised! Submitted to God as His worldly Activist on a non-exclusive basis since June 15, 2005 1:00 am ET. “La Bona” is a professional name inspired by God; it means "The Righteous", “The Virtuous” or simply “The Good” in Esperanto (a neutral international language). DivineTalk® is an Open Commentary Forum blessed by God for His Children to engage in dialogue, discourse and debate on laws, standards and values on morality, lifestyle, ethics, business and just about anything else related to their life. God enlightened to have His Words improvised and updated with the prevailing circumstances so that the divine guidance, dogma and policy will evolve with time and stay relevant to His Children in the very era they live in as the way forward. La Bona is a Truth Seeker, Myth Buster, Freedom Fighter, Cyber Activist, Liberal Animal, Always Samaritan, Messiah Wannabe and in order to serve His Children of diverse backgrounds, La Bona is motivated and aim to eventually multitask as Divine Representative, Contemporary Prophet, Celestial Executive, Deity Clairvoyant, Holy Spiritualist ...
If you drive on a parkway why don't they make the whole plane out of that?
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Khamis, Ogos 04, 2005
Right brain am i...

test your own!!
Decoy, you are Right-brained
Most right-brained people like you are flexible in many realms of their lives. Whether picking up on the nuances of musical concerto, appreciating the subtle details in a work of art, or seeing the world from a different perspective, right-brained people are creative, imaginative, and attuned to their surroundings.
People probably see your thinking process as boundless, and that might translate to your physical surroundings as well. Some people think of you as messier than others. It's not that you're disorganized, it's just that you might use different systems to organize (by theme, by subject, by color). Straight alphabetization and rigidly ordered folders are not typical of right-brained behavior.
You are also more intuitive than many. When it comes to reading literature, you probably prefer creative writing or fiction over nonfiction. And when it comes to doing math, you might find you enjoy geometry more than other forms like algebra.
Your Brain Type Report will describe how and why each of the responses you chose while answering the Brain Test revealed that you are Right-brained dominant. It's ready right now!
Selasa, Ogos 02, 2005
Laporan Rasmi: Psycho Project 02
Sabtu (30 Julai 2005)
Malam sebelum tu, berkampung kat opis pek. Kami hyper beramai-ramai...arghh ngantuknya.....
Pagi2 lg, kami angkut barang ke lokasi (bangsar) dan semua crew tiba ditempat kejadian mejelang tengah hari (akhir pagi - still pagi lg).
The Crew

Photo ni courtesy dari robert. http://exarxil.fotopages.com/
Terdiri dari: naim,pek,ali,wae,tam,ain,robet,sadiq,sabil,dan sebagainya (hehheh)
The poster (oleh Alone)


The hasil





Untuk coverage penuh, sila rujuk dibawah
Projek Berakhir Dengan Jayanya, thanks to model (helda,michele,alan,ana)
Media Rasmi:
Nikon, Canon, Kodak, 7 E, Perodua, Proton, Olympus, Minolta dan lain-lain barang sendiri.
(C)2005 PsychoCrew - Psycho Project Foundation
Malam sebelum tu, berkampung kat opis pek. Kami hyper beramai-ramai...arghh ngantuknya.....
Pagi2 lg, kami angkut barang ke lokasi (bangsar) dan semua crew tiba ditempat kejadian mejelang tengah hari (akhir pagi - still pagi lg).
The Crew

Photo ni courtesy dari robert. http://exarxil.fotopages.com/
Terdiri dari: naim,pek,ali,wae,tam,ain,robet,sadiq,sabil,dan sebagainya (hehheh)
The poster (oleh Alone)


The hasil





Untuk coverage penuh, sila rujuk dibawah
Projek Berakhir Dengan Jayanya, thanks to model (helda,michele,alan,ana)
Media Rasmi:
Nikon, Canon, Kodak, 7 E, Perodua, Proton, Olympus, Minolta dan lain-lain barang sendiri.
(C)2005 PsychoCrew - Psycho Project Foundation
Isnin, Ogos 01, 2005
Senang jer buat agama baru..bengong... Agama Jedi
aku jumpa artikel ni kat net....
Jedi Religion
I knew this was coming... I knew it would someday be a religion. Just like I predicted that people would someday worship Elvis.
Thousands of Britons devoted to the "Star Wars" films have claimed the fictional faith Jedi as their religion and forced it onto the next national census, newspapers reported on Thursday.
An e-mail campaign convinced more than 10,000 fans of the enduring science-fiction films to list Jedi -- known by the mantra "May the Force be with you" -- as their religion on Britain's 2001 census, the Daily Express reported. It was enough for the Office for National Statistics (ONS) to give Jedi its own code, meaning it will appear in the 2002 census.
"When the forms are processed, all data is encoded and we have given Jedi Knight a code because a large group of people have entered it on their forms," an ONS spokesman told the Daily Express. "But we are not saying that this is an official religion," the spokesman added.
In the "Star Wars" films, the Jedi Knights are a noble order of protectors unified by their belief in and ability to tap into a universal power called "the Force."
And here's an update to that story:
The Force will not be with you despite many Star Wars fans registering their religion as Jedi Knight in this year's British census.
Officials said on Thursday there was "absolutely no possibility" of Jedi appearing as a choice of religion on future census forms after officials created a code for Jedi to help them analyze responses to the 2001 population survey.
"Because a certain number of people were likely to have put Jedi Knight as a response to that question, it has been included as a code simply to help speed the forms through the machine-readers," a spokesman for the Office of National Statistics told Reuters. "All that will happen is that it will be recorded as 'Other'," he said. "It certainly does not mean it is recognized as a religion."
An email campaign had circulated before the national survey in April aiming to persuade up to 10,000 people to enter themselves as followers of the science-fiction films' mystical faith -- with its mantra "May the Force be with you." The spokesman said it was up to Parliament to decide on what questions appeared in the next census, due in 2011.
"There is absolutely no possibility of it appearing on the census form," he said. "We will not be using taxpayers' money to publish how many people put 'Jedi' in," he added.
So... does this make George Lucas the Pope?
Jedi Religion
I knew this was coming... I knew it would someday be a religion. Just like I predicted that people would someday worship Elvis.
Thousands of Britons devoted to the "Star Wars" films have claimed the fictional faith Jedi as their religion and forced it onto the next national census, newspapers reported on Thursday.
An e-mail campaign convinced more than 10,000 fans of the enduring science-fiction films to list Jedi -- known by the mantra "May the Force be with you" -- as their religion on Britain's 2001 census, the Daily Express reported. It was enough for the Office for National Statistics (ONS) to give Jedi its own code, meaning it will appear in the 2002 census.
"When the forms are processed, all data is encoded and we have given Jedi Knight a code because a large group of people have entered it on their forms," an ONS spokesman told the Daily Express. "But we are not saying that this is an official religion," the spokesman added.
In the "Star Wars" films, the Jedi Knights are a noble order of protectors unified by their belief in and ability to tap into a universal power called "the Force."
And here's an update to that story:
The Force will not be with you despite many Star Wars fans registering their religion as Jedi Knight in this year's British census.
Officials said on Thursday there was "absolutely no possibility" of Jedi appearing as a choice of religion on future census forms after officials created a code for Jedi to help them analyze responses to the 2001 population survey.
"Because a certain number of people were likely to have put Jedi Knight as a response to that question, it has been included as a code simply to help speed the forms through the machine-readers," a spokesman for the Office of National Statistics told Reuters. "All that will happen is that it will be recorded as 'Other'," he said. "It certainly does not mean it is recognized as a religion."
An email campaign had circulated before the national survey in April aiming to persuade up to 10,000 people to enter themselves as followers of the science-fiction films' mystical faith -- with its mantra "May the Force be with you." The spokesman said it was up to Parliament to decide on what questions appeared in the next census, due in 2011.
"There is absolutely no possibility of it appearing on the census form," he said. "We will not be using taxpayers' money to publish how many people put 'Jedi' in," he added.
So... does this make George Lucas the Pope?
Wae..ko mmg hebat!!!
aku x sangka otai menawarkan diri utk join ko dlm psychoproject...
lain kali ajak lah kalau nak pergi
Thu 21-Jul-2005 12:19
Posted by:Saiful Nang saifulnang@yahoo.com - [Link]
be there: http://rengised.fotopages.com/
lain kali ajak lah kalau nak pergi
Thu 21-Jul-2005 12:19
Posted by:Saiful Nang saifulnang@yahoo.com - [Link]
be there: http://rengised.fotopages.com/
Bolok: Dari kacamata google
Aku jumpa artikel pasal bolok ni dalam internet
The story of one of the greats of history and his attempt to curse the Jewish people appears in the Sedra. Rabbi Dessler points out, that if a person is named in the Torah, then they were a great person. They may have been a great Rosho (villain) but they were certainly great. Such a person was Bilam. He was as great in wisdom as Achitofel. He was as great in Prophesy as Moshe Rabbeinu. Paradoxically he suffered from three character defects, which directed his greatness to abuse and distortion. He loved money, he demanded honour and he was attached to immorality.
The question of course arises as to why HaShem would bestow prophecy on such a person.
The answer is because of the purpose of creation, Freedom of Choice. If it were the case that only those loyal to G-d could access "supernatural" intervention then everyone would of course be loyal to G-d but for the wrong reason. They would be loyal because it "pays".
Imagine I am presenting a talk to a group of one hundred young Jews. They come from non-religious backgrounds and are sceptical about the validity of the Torah. I finish my hour-long talk with a final appeal. If what I have said makes sense then they should take their interest further. They should book themselves into a good beginners Yeshiva like, Ohr Somayach or a Sem like, Neve Yerushalayim and start to learn.
Now imagine that the audience is arranged so that fifty Jews sit on one side and fifty on the other. The right hand group thinks to themselves "That makes sense" and promptly enrol in Ohr Somayach or Neve. Their initial interest leads to commitment and years of study. They emerge from their Jewish education and return to these shores ready to commence their secular studies. They all go to University and get first class degrees. They get married and find superb jobs. Their marriages and family life is fantastic and they have perfect children who never give them any trouble, not even a word of Chutzpah. They never have a day’s illness. They grow old to see their successful children marry and equally successful grandchildren, marry. Eventually in very old age they all pass away peacefully in their sleep.
The remaining fifty consider my talk and conclude that it was entertaining but frankly the ideas were "medieval". They do not pursue their religion and instead spend their summer at "Camp America" as camp counsellors. They have return early for teaching the children how to smoke drugs. They return and go straight to University where they spend three "rocky" and troubled years and emerge with very poor degrees. They get married to each other but almost all the marriages end in divorce. The offspring of the unions are troubled and obnoxious. Many get into trouble with drugs and spend time in jail. The Parents suffer from many terrible and various illnesses and many die young.
Now imagine ten years have gone by. I am giving the exact same presentation to another group of one hundred young Jews. By a statistical freak each one is a younger brother or sister of the original group. They all know what happened to their older siblings. I conclude the same way I did ten years previously with an appeal for them to take this investigation of their religion further. How many will sign up for Camp America this time? None!
It can never be that we are uniquely and exclusively rewarded for our loyalty to G-d. That would produce perfect loyalty…but for ourselves not for G-d. So everyone must have equal access to life’s opportunities whether they are "good" or "bad"
The Talmud expresses this in the words "Zu l’umos Zu Boro Elokim" "For every positive thing He created He created an equal and opposing negative thing."
Now we know why HaShem went to such efforts to change the curse, which Bilam tried to use to destroy the Jews. Instead of a curse, HaShem changes the words so that they emerge as blessings. Why go to all that trouble after all is HaShem obliged to react to the words of this Rosho? The answer we now see is yes! Such people would also have to have "supernatural" powers to maintain a balance between positive forces and negative ones and maintain the purpose of creation, freedom of choice.
The story of one of the greats of history and his attempt to curse the Jewish people appears in the Sedra. Rabbi Dessler points out, that if a person is named in the Torah, then they were a great person. They may have been a great Rosho (villain) but they were certainly great. Such a person was Bilam. He was as great in wisdom as Achitofel. He was as great in Prophesy as Moshe Rabbeinu. Paradoxically he suffered from three character defects, which directed his greatness to abuse and distortion. He loved money, he demanded honour and he was attached to immorality.
The question of course arises as to why HaShem would bestow prophecy on such a person.
The answer is because of the purpose of creation, Freedom of Choice. If it were the case that only those loyal to G-d could access "supernatural" intervention then everyone would of course be loyal to G-d but for the wrong reason. They would be loyal because it "pays".
Imagine I am presenting a talk to a group of one hundred young Jews. They come from non-religious backgrounds and are sceptical about the validity of the Torah. I finish my hour-long talk with a final appeal. If what I have said makes sense then they should take their interest further. They should book themselves into a good beginners Yeshiva like, Ohr Somayach or a Sem like, Neve Yerushalayim and start to learn.
Now imagine that the audience is arranged so that fifty Jews sit on one side and fifty on the other. The right hand group thinks to themselves "That makes sense" and promptly enrol in Ohr Somayach or Neve. Their initial interest leads to commitment and years of study. They emerge from their Jewish education and return to these shores ready to commence their secular studies. They all go to University and get first class degrees. They get married and find superb jobs. Their marriages and family life is fantastic and they have perfect children who never give them any trouble, not even a word of Chutzpah. They never have a day’s illness. They grow old to see their successful children marry and equally successful grandchildren, marry. Eventually in very old age they all pass away peacefully in their sleep.
The remaining fifty consider my talk and conclude that it was entertaining but frankly the ideas were "medieval". They do not pursue their religion and instead spend their summer at "Camp America" as camp counsellors. They have return early for teaching the children how to smoke drugs. They return and go straight to University where they spend three "rocky" and troubled years and emerge with very poor degrees. They get married to each other but almost all the marriages end in divorce. The offspring of the unions are troubled and obnoxious. Many get into trouble with drugs and spend time in jail. The Parents suffer from many terrible and various illnesses and many die young.
Now imagine ten years have gone by. I am giving the exact same presentation to another group of one hundred young Jews. By a statistical freak each one is a younger brother or sister of the original group. They all know what happened to their older siblings. I conclude the same way I did ten years previously with an appeal for them to take this investigation of their religion further. How many will sign up for Camp America this time? None!
It can never be that we are uniquely and exclusively rewarded for our loyalty to G-d. That would produce perfect loyalty…but for ourselves not for G-d. So everyone must have equal access to life’s opportunities whether they are "good" or "bad"
The Talmud expresses this in the words "Zu l’umos Zu Boro Elokim" "For every positive thing He created He created an equal and opposing negative thing."
Now we know why HaShem went to such efforts to change the curse, which Bilam tried to use to destroy the Jews. Instead of a curse, HaShem changes the words so that they emerge as blessings. Why go to all that trouble after all is HaShem obliged to react to the words of this Rosho? The answer we now see is yes! Such people would also have to have "supernatural" powers to maintain a balance between positive forces and negative ones and maintain the purpose of creation, freedom of choice.
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